Hello my name is Jabal This term we have been learning about the acts of drama, This week we performed our play and let me say felt really trash but amazing that we got it done with, the reason I feel this way is because one of the guys in our group was absent so it really did put us in a difficult situation as we are a group of 5 and the book we were acting out had around 6 CHARACTERS! (Crazy right) Anyways that left us with 4 people in our group, me, Patrick, Maddie and Danielle, Patrick decided that he would be Micheal the character that Odyn would'eve been. That would be okay if he didn't have 2 other roles which really put pressure on Patrick I think, The play was smooth sailing from the start but midway things just started to come CRASHING down Patrick got a bit stuck on his lines and so did everyone else but what I liked was that me and Danielle tried to improvise and keep the audience interested in our play. But overall as we had our ups and downs I believe our group did well and that we do have some things to work on. Thank you for viewing my blog and hope you have a Happy Day :)