Category: Ako | Learn

Term 2 Inquiry – (Jabal, Patrick, Danielle, Maddie, Odyn (Absent) )

Hello my name is Jabal This term we have been learning about the acts of drama,
This week we performed our play and let me say felt really trash but amazing
that we got it done with, the reason I feel this way is because one of the
guys in our group was absent so it really did put us in a difficult situation
as we are a group of 5 and the book we were acting out had around 6 CHARACTERS!
(Crazy right) 

Anyways that left us with 4 people in our group, me, Patrick, Maddie
and Danielle, Patrick decided that he would be Micheal the character that Odyn 
would'eve been. That would be okay if he didn't have 2 other roles which really
put pressure on Patrick I think, The play was smooth sailing from the start but 
midway things just started to come CRASHING down Patrick got a bit stuck on his 
lines and so did everyone else but what I liked was that me and Danielle tried
to improvise and keep the audience interested in our play.

But overall as we had our ups and downs I believe our group did well and that we 
do have some things to work on. Thank you for viewing my blog and hope you have a 
                                 Happy Day :)

Transformers Term 2 (not the car transformers)

Our Pt England Theme for this term, term 2 is Transformers. Our day started with Mr Burt, Mrs Nua, Mr J, and Mr Somerville. They all dressed up, Mr Burt was dressed as an Egyptian Pharaoh that dates back all the way to the 32nd century BC (<– for suspense) Mrs Nua was dressed up as Elasti Girl from the movie Incredible which I think is a pretty decent movie I favourite character from the Incredibles would be Frozone as his Ice powers are pretty insane.

Mr J was a Voluntary Soldier, (dont have much to say bout that)  Mr Somerville was your friendly neighbour hood Spider-Man, a superhero from the marvel verse who fights against crime in the state of New York, Queens. I really was  intrigued in the performances that were being displayed  on the stage at Immersion Assembly, like Team 5’s one, Team 5’s item was based on the story Cinderella.

But with a plot twist, the story starts with Cinderella trapped in a cage folding the laundry and then  her evil sisters were off to the ball,(Didn’t really get to understand the evil sister part) Cinderella was Jealous and said something along the lines like “This isn’t fair! I want to go the ball!” and her cry was heard and then the fairy godmother granted that wish and suddenly instantly teleported to the ball. 

Then the ball had began and everyone started dancing, Cinderella was dancing with the Prince and as they were having a good time Cinderella had realised that she had forgot something and had to go but the prince was holding her back,”Please stay here,” (somethin like that) with Cinderella saying the following, “Let me go! Let me go!” and suddenly Cinderellas dress came off and her undergarments were showing.

With embarrassment one of her shoes come off and she runs off back to her house, the story goes like the original but then the evil sister switches Cinderellas shoe with her own and she heads back home. The prince then went out to find the woman that he had danced with as he had made a vow to marry her and find her with the shoe that was the evil sisters, then came Cinderellas home. The evil sister then put on the shoe and said “It fits! it fits! Now you must stay true to your promise!”(or somethin)

Then the Prince then said “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD” and then decapitated the evil sister then he decapitated the other one. And Cinderella ending coming over to see the sight of her two sisters heads of their bodies, and Cinderella decided she needed to find a better man and turns out that very man was the story teller and they kiss the end.


Book Trailer (Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief)

Script: Imagine yourself, you were living a life as an ordinary boy, only to have everything all changed? Well this book Percy Jackson, The Lightning Thief describes that very well. The Lightning Thief follows the story of Percy Jackson, a 12 year old boy who has a secret unknown to himself.

Diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia, while being raised by his mother. His life wasn’t easy as he didn’t have a father figure and to got repeatedly kicked out of school even though it really wasn’t his fault. His maths teacher Mrs Dodds, draws Percy aside to punish him, then suddenly she transforms into a monster and attacks him! His favourite teacher Mr Brunner, rescues Percy by throwing him a pen the transforms into a sword and that’s when his unnatural story starts, so do you have the guts to read this book?


Task Description: Hey y’all back with another straight up banger for y’all today.  So basically this book trailer is about a book, Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief, The Lightning Thief is about Percy Jackson,a 12 year old boy who holds a secret unknown to even himself. My video is a brief summary on the book but if you want more then read for yourself and behold all the exciting and mysterious adventures that Percy has for him.



Easter, Easter is a memorable occasion that we should all know about.

As it celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, on the third after his crucifixion.

Easter to me is a time to think about how Jesus was crucified and died for our sins.

On the long Easter weekend I didn’t do much except for sleeping eating and playing video

games with my friends. But on Tuesday I had to go to a funeral which was real sad, because

the lady that died were cousins with my mum and were good friends with her. And the thing

that makes me sad the most was the fact that I never met her,and from the speeches that

were being said about her it sounded like she was a strong, cheeky, and kind woman.

In the school holidays I cannot wait to sleep and play video games ALLLL day.

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