Month: June 2023

Dawn Raid 2

Apart of the Task: Today me and my brothers went to the movies
to watch the new InvisGo movie! it was soo cool, I think if 
I ever got invisible powers I would save the world from evil,

Task Description: This week we are learning about a book Dawn Raids
which is about a girl called Sofia and we are learning more and more
about the dawn raids through her diary.

Dawn Raid Informational Writing

In Literacy we have been learning about the dawn raids,
On March 12 1974, the government had decided that they would
 go to Pacific  Islanders houses to which they believed overstayed 
their visas or work permits. Many people were deported back to the 
Pacific Islands and  houses were broken into very 
early in the morning which is how the dawn raids got its name. 


Yr7&8 Extension Project

For this term in extension we were tasked
to be fashion designers. we have been
 learning about 3 main 
things, Cultural Appropriation, Self Consciousness, 
and Sustainability. We had to choose two pieces of 
clothing and I chose a Haori which originated from 
Japan and a 
Kahoa aka a Tongan lei. It was our job to find out what 
materials it was made
 from and if is okay for the environment.
Especially if it is appropriate
 like for example it would be rude if a women
wore a bikini in somewhere where showing skin is like offensive 
its just isn't right.

GoGo Boots (Dawn Raid)

This is my drawing of the go go boots from dawn raid.
Dawn Raid is a book that we have been
reading this week and have been learning about recently,
Dawn Raid is about a girl Sofia and her 
writing about her life in a diary.
Well Thats It For Now
Peace and Have An Amazing Day!


Today in literacy we picked between four things we can do about

             a book called Dawn Raid,
        The recording that is seen here is a part
         of the book where Sofia,The protagonist,
              her brother and his friends
     were playing darts and they did a dumb thing
            where they were holding the 
        dart board which caused one of them
             to get hit in the eye. 
         Peace and have a good day :P


In literacy we  have been reading a book called
Seventh Grade By Gary Soto, This book is about
a boy, Victor who has  a  crush on a girl Teresa,
Victor promises to himself that this year
he will he get together with Teresa. So here
is a 6 minute audio of me reading  the book.